Thursday, September 17, 2009

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans

NO TO WAR ! Thank you, Mr. President Obama! No missile shield costly war preparations in Europe. Now Russia will not deploy it's missiles in Kaliningrad either. Stop the mad expensive wrong republican right wing war empire war games, war preparations, war colonial aggressions! PEACE! If it goes like this, Russia may not deploy missiles in Venezuela

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans -

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stop Toxin-Laden Wastewater Dump in Our Streams! -

In 2002, Bush administration issued a rulemaking that effectively removed Clean Water Act protection, permitting mining companies to fill our nation's waterways with the toxin-laden waste material.

Congress enacted the Clean Water Act in 1972, which allowed the filling of waterways for constructive purposes, such as dams or levees. But protected waterways from being used as waste disposal sites.

On June 22, 2009, the Supreme Court ruled that the Clean Water Act permits a mining company to pump hundreds of thousands of gallons per day of toxic wastewater slurry into an Alaskan lake, killing its fish and aquatic life.

The passage of Clean Water Protection Act, H.R. 1310 will ensure lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands are not destroyed by industrial waste dumping by passing. We must ensure that we won't have another catastrophe like the one occurring right now in Alaska.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Top Ten Best National Parks You Don't Know About

Top Ten Best National Parks You Don't Know About

National Parks USA -

9/11 WTC is a controlled demolition - per irrefutable scientific evidence - - - -

Monday, March 30, 2009

Czechs revive love of Woodrow Wilson. His statue to be placed again in Prague, in 2012.

President Woodrow Wilson inspired the Czechs to establish a democracy. Now they strive to honor him by recreating an old statue.

For 13 years in the early decades of the 20th century, a larger-than-life bronze statue of Woodrow Wilson stood in front of the main train station in Prague as a reminder of the 28th U.S. president's role in creating an independent Czechoslovakia out of the wreckage of World War I.

The original bronze statue stood 14 feet tall, Beckmann said. It depicted Wilson standing in front of a chair, an American flag draped over his shoulders.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Zelene karty Cech i pro USA

Možnost získat zelenou kartu na základě vyhlášky vydané ministerstvem vnitra dostali například občané Ukrajiny či všech zemí bývalé Jugoslávie kromě Kosova.

Z asijských zemí se na seznam dostaly pouze Korea s Japonskem. Smůlu mají naopak občané Vietnamu a Mongolska, kteří do Česka v poslední době za prací přicházejí stále častěji.

Na seznamu jsou dále Spojené státy americké, Kanada, Austrálie a Nový Zéland.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hraci NHL z Cech

Nejvíc utkání Cechů v NHL

Robert Holík* 1273 zápasů, 742 bodů
Jaromír Jágr 1273 zápasů, 1599 bodů
Roman Hamrlík *1114 zápasů, 545 bodů
Petr Svoboda 1028 zápasů, 399 bodů
Petr Nedvěd 982 zápasů, 717 bodů
Martin Ručinský 961 zápasů, 612 bodů
Martin Straka 954 zápasů, 717 bodů
Radek Bonk 940 zápasů, 483 bodů
Radek Dvořák *934 zápasů, 483 bodů
Robert Lang *914 zápasů, 665 bodů
*Stále hraje v NHL

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